EPhyScience intervenes in the development of Embedded equipment at different hardware level, from the highest to the lowest.

The very definition of embedded equipment, a Printed Circuit Board is the core of EPhyScience. We provide services at every steps of its design:
and of its programmation:

The most versatile semiconductor is also the most expensive and the most difficult to program (mainly in VHDL and Verolog). Perfect to provide a Proof of Concept or when versatility is more important than the price (such as in aerospace), a Field Programmable Gate Array is the solution.

The most classical processing semiconductor but also its most sensitive part. There are standards one, mass produced that are cheap but big and sometime with useless features.
And there are tailored one, the ASIC, more expensive but more suited to specific need in term of features, size and shape.

When shape, size or performance of a microcontroller is a constraint, or when intellectual property of a specific electronic design is at stake, an Application Specific Integrated Circuit is the most suitable design.